Transferring a business: Optimizing and achieving wealth objectives
When an entrepreneur decides to sell his company, the tax authorities offer several tax options. Although the tax rate may seem high, there are ways to optimize the sale, while meeting your financial objectives.
Non-residents’ taxation: how to decrease investment income tax by half
This case study explains how Mr. A, a non-resident with investments in France, will halve his taxation on investment income.
The impatriate regime in France: income tax exemption for up to 50% of remuneration!
This case study explains how Mr X, arriving from the UK to take up a job with a company based in France, will earn tens of thousands of euros a year over the next 8 years thanks to the impatriate regime.
Olympic Games 2024 : renting out your main residence
With the 2024 Olympic Games taking place in Paris, you might be wondering whether to rent out all or part of your main residence. In this article, you will find the procedure and obligations you must abide by in this situation.
Transmission : A qui transmettre son patrimoine en France en 2023 ?
A une époque où l’âge moyen d’héritage est supérieur à 50 ans, la question de l’organisation successorale et surtout de ses bénéficiaires devient primordiale. A qui et comment doit-on transmettre le patrimoine ? C’est ce que nous vous proposons d’explorer dans ce cas pratique de fin d’année.
Selling a work of art : which tax regime to choose?
This case study explains how Mr. Rothko will save 30% tax on the sale of his work of art.
Les actions gratuites : sont-elles vraiment gratuites ?
L’attribution d’actions gratuites est un atout majeur des entreprises pour renforcer leur attractivité auprès des salariés et créer une convergence d’intérêts. Pour autant, ces mécanismes sont complexes et soumis à des systèmes fiscaux bien différents. Il arrive bien trop souvent que derrière la notion de gratuité de ces actions, une forte fiscalité et un décalage de trésorerie soient à prévoir.
La location meublée via une SCI : une fausse bonne idée ?
Lors de l’acquisition d’un bien immobilier locatif, les questions suivantes se posent : faut-il mieux louer vide ou meublé? Quelles sont les différences entre ces régimes fiscaux ? Quel sera l’impact sur la fiscalité appliquée à mes loyers ?
Going Places? The Luxembourg Life Insurance Policy, a great Investment for World Travelers
If you're an internationally mobile individual looking for an investment vehicle with tax advantages, asset protection, and flexible options, look no further than the Luxembourg life insurance policy.
Exit tax : The price to pay for leaving France
France has a reputation for heavily taxing its residents, but did you know you can even be taxed when you leave the country? Since 2011, the “Exit tax”, or “exceptional contribution on the value of certain assets,” aims to deter wealthy individuals and companies to flee the country or to come and go in and out of France for purely